Welcome + Instructions


Hey there! My name is Neal Samudre, and I’m the creator of EssentialHustle.com, where I teach basic online business skills to help people pursue their life's work. In this course, I’m going to help you find your profitable business idea—the idea that’ll utilize your skills and passions for the betterment of your life and the lives of those around you.

Does that sound good? Great! Before we begin, I want to share with you how to go through this course.

This course is more than just me talking at you. It is an interactive course.

With each module that we’ll go through, there will be an interactive workbook that will guide you through a series of questions to better process the information given in that lesson.

Once you complete each workbook, at the bottom, there will be a button that say “Save as PDF.” Click that button if you want to save your responses to the workbook.

By the end of this course, my hope is that you’ll have a business idea that you’ll want to take action on.

Understand? Excellent! So now, let me introduce our subject matter.

My guess is, you’re here because you see that value in building an online business. You see the freedom and flexibility that it provides others with. And you want that. You’re tired of abandoning your values, passions, and skills every time you go do a job that you don’t love. You’re tired of leaving behind everything that’s most important to you, whether it’s your friends or your family.

So you decide that it’s time to create an online business, just like thousands of others out there have done. That’s great!

There’s only one problem. You don’t know where to start.

Sure it’s easy to say that you want to build a business out of your passion, but how do you do that? What’s that profitable business idea that’ll transform your idea?

Inside this course, I’ll take you through the four components that makes up a profitable business idea. The four ingredients to a profitable business idea are:

  • Passion.
  • Skill.
  • Opportunity.
  • And advantage.

I will take you through each of these ingredients so that you come up with an idea that you are truly passionate about, one that can support your values and lifestyle.

So are you ready to begin? Excellent. I'll see you inside the course!

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